
Cursor-based pagination is a popular method for retrieving large amounts of data from an API in smaller chunks. This method lets the client specify the cursor's position and retrieve the next page from the API.


On the paginated endpoints, the client will receive a response containing the meta field, for example:

    "resources": [
        // ...
    "meta": {
        "cursor": "aWRfX2U2YTgyYTc0LTExNzAtNGY1Ny1hMDMxLWIzNmYzZjZiYzA5Mw",
        "limit": 100

To fetch the next page, the client must pass the cursor [GET] parameter to the following request, like this: GET /contacts?cursor=aWRfX2U2YTgyYTc0LTExNzAtNGY1Ny1hMDMxLWIzNmYzZjZiYzA5Mw.

When cursor is null in the response, there is no next page.

The client receives the first page when the cursor parameter is null or not passed in the request.